Physical Therapy for Sports Injuries

We all have a weekend warrior in our life. That is someone who works long hours in an office all week with little or no exercise and maybe overdoes it playing sports on the weekend. Our muscles and joints need to be ready for the demands we put on them. If not, we are prone to numerous injuries and pain. Talk to our licensed physical therapists about your level of activity and we can help tailor a plan that will help keep you healthy while doing so. In addition to physical therapy, lifestyle changes often need to be incorporated into the lives of the weekend warrior to lessen the likelihood of re-injury.
Our team works with competitive athletes of all ages and abilities as well. We strive to help our athletes compete pain-free to the best of their ability. Athletes at every level should understand the important role that diligent and proven rehabilitation techniques play in accelerating the healing process. Don’t let chronic pain prevent you from doing the things you love. Call us now for a free consultation.
